Getting Started

The quickest way to get started is via the starter site . Alternatively, follow the manual installation steps below to work with an existing site.

Install the library and dependencies.

npm install -D astronotion astro-embed astro-imagetools astro-xelement notion-client


yarn add -D astronotion astro-embed astro-imagetools astro-xelement notion-client

(or other package managers of your choice)

Add the astro-imagetools integration in your astro.config.mjs .

import { astroImageTools } from "astro-imagetools"; // <-- add this

export default defineConfig({
  // ... other config
  integrations: [
    // ...other integrations
    astroImageTools, // <-- add this

Add the “experimental integrations” flag to astro commands in package.json if you haven’t.

"scripts": {
  "dev": "astro dev --experimental-integrations",
  "start": "astro dev --experimental-integrations",
  "build": "astro build --experimental-integrations",
  "preview": "astro preview --experimental-integrations",
  // ...

You can start importing components and methods from the library.

Next: API →